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- Path: bloom-beacon.mit.edu!hookup!news.kei.com!eff!usenet.ins.cwru.edu!alpha.ces.cwru.edu!edguer
- From: edguer@ces.cwru.edu (Aydin Edguer)
- Newsgroups: comp.infosystems.wais,comp.answers,news.answers
- Subject: comp.infosystems.wais Frequently asked Questions [FAQ] (with answers)
- Supersedes: <2be3vm$us@usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu>
- Followup-To: comp.infosystems.wais
- Date: 9 May 1994 13:58:37 GMT
- Organization: Computer Engineering and Science, Case Western Reserve University
- Lines: 375
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Distribution: world
- Expires: Mon, 4 Jul 1994 05:00:01 GMT
- Message-ID: <2qlfid$il@usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu>
- Reply-To: edguer@ces.cwru.edu
- NNTP-Posting-Host: omega.ces.cwru.edu
- Summary: FAQ
- Xref: bloom-beacon.mit.edu comp.infosystems.wais:2381 comp.answers:5280 news.answers:19325
- Archive-name: wais-faq/getting-started
- Last-modified: 6 May 94 00:00:01 EST
- comp.infosystems.wais Frequently asked Questions [FAQ] (with answers)
- -1- What is the purpose of this newsgroup?
- -2- How can I search this FAQ to find the answers?
- -3- What is WAIS?
- -4- Where can I find more information on WAIS?
- -5- How can I get access to WAIS?
- -6- Where can I find WAIS software for the XYZ OS?
- -7- Where can I pick up the list of sources (e.g. databases) for WAIS?
- Please send suggested corrections and additions to: edguer@ces.cwru.edu
- The latest version of this FAQ is available from:
- ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet-by-group/news.answers/wais-faq/getting-started
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subject: -1- What is the purpose of this newsgroup?
- Date: 8 Oct 93 00:00:01 EST
- From the Charter:
- comp.infosystems.wais is for discussion of WAIS, the Wide Area Information
- Servers, a networked full text retrieval system developed by Thinking Machines,
- Apple Computer, Dow Jones, and KPMG Peat Marwick.
- ------------------------------
- Subject: -2- How can I search this FAQ to find the answers?
- Date: 19 Nov 92 00:00:01 EST
- This FAQ follows the RFC1153 recommendations for message digests and
- thus should easily be viewed by newsreaders that understand message
- digests.
- This FAQ also uses the Subject: lines with the answer to each question
- and thus it should be easy to step through the answers with the "^G" command
- of rn.
- This FAQ marks each question with a "dash number dash" so that using
- a regular expression search pattern you can easily get directly to any
- question on the document.
- ------------------------------
- Subject: -3- What is WAIS?
- Date: 6 May 94 00:00:01 EST
- WAIS stands for Wide Area Information Servers.
- WAIS is a networked information retrieval system. WAIS currently uses TCP/IP
- to connect client applications to information servers. Client applications
- are able to retrieve text or multimedia documents stored on the servers.
- Client applications request documents using keywords. Servers search a full
- text index for the documents and return a list of documents containing the
- keyword. The client may then request the server to send a copy of any of
- the documents found.
- Although the name "Wide Area" implies the use of the large networks such as
- the Internet to connect clients to servers distributed around the network,
- WAIS can be used between a client and server on the same machine or a client
- and server on the same LAN.
- WAIS uses the Z39.50 query protocol to communicate between clients and servers.
- There are a large number of servers running currently [over 470 databases].
- Topics range from recipes and movies to bibliographies, technical documents,
- and newsgroup archives.
- WAIS was developed as a project of Thinking Machines, Apple Computer,
- Dow Jones, and KPMG Peat Marwick. A version of WAIS that is freely
- redistributable is available with full source to the server, indexing
- software, and many clients.
- Thinking Machines no longer supports the publicly distributed WAIS [as of
- WAIS-8-b5.1]. Support and development of "free" WAIS has been taken over
- by CNIDR (Clearinghouse for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval).
- Current CNIDR releases are called freeWAIS, to help reduce confusion.
- <a HREF="http://cnidr.org/welcome.html">http://cnidr.org/welcome.html</a>
- Commercial development and support of WAIS is now available from WAIS, Inc.
- WAIS, Inc. was founded by many of the original developers of WAIS.
- Although WAIS, Inc. does sell commercial servers with extra features and
- full support, they continue to provide other freely redistributable tools.
- ftp://ftp.wais.com/pub/wais-inc-doc/wais-inc-company-story.txt
- ------------------------------
- Subject: -4- Where can I find more information on WAIS?
- Date: 6 May 94 00:00:01 EST
- Depending upon the information you seek there are many options.
- Perhaps the best place to start is the WAIS white sheet available
- via anonymous FTP from ftp.think.com in the file wais-corporate-paper.text.
- This will give you a good idea of why people got interested in WAIS
- and a very simple overview of the WAIS architecture.
- ftp://ftp.think.com/wais/wais-corporate-paper.text
- If you want to learn more about how WAIS really works or answer other
- FAQ's the best place to start is the documentation that comes with WAIS.
- The WAIS distribution is available via anonymous FTP from ftp.cnidr.org
- in the file /pub/NIDR.tools/freeWAIS-0.3.tar.Z After uncompressing and
- untarring the distribution, you will find a ./doc directory that includes
- a more complete FAQ, documents for programmers, users guides, protocol
- specifications, a paper on digital librarian ethics, and a bibliography
- of WAIS articles.
- If you wish to do further reading the bibliography of articles published
- on WAIS is also available separately from ftp.wais.com in the file
- /pub/wais-inc-doc/bibliography.txt.
- ftp://ftp.wais.com/pub/wais-inc-doc/bibliography.txt
- Next, of course, there is the newsgroup comp.infosystems.wais.
- The newsgroup is regularly visited by the authors of WAIS and
- other experts on using both WAIS and other resources on the Internet.
- After listening in on the group for a while, you are welcome to post your
- questions if you have been unable to find an answer yourself from the
- documentation.
- There are also a number of mailing lists which you can join if you
- wish to follow WAIS.
- wais-interest Contact: wais-interest-request@think.com
- This is a moderated list used to announce new releases for
- the Internet environment.
- wais-discussion Contact: wais-discussion-request@think.com
- The WAIS-discussion is a digested, moderated list on Electronic
- publishing issues in general and Wide Area Information Servers in
- particular. There are postings every week or two.
- wais-talk Contact: wais-talk-request@think.com
- The WAIS-talk is an open list (interactive, not moderated) for
- implementors and developers. This is a technical list that is
- not meant to be used as a support list.
- Z3950IW Contact: LISTSERV@nervm.nerdc.ufl.edu
- Z39.50 Implementors list for low level discussions of protocol
- details.
- ZIP Contact: zip-request@kudzu.concert.net
- The Z39.50-92 Information Project (ZIP) is a mailing list for
- those interested in the development of the FreeWAIS distribution
- from CNIDR.
- SIG-WAIS Contact: sig-wais-info@cnidr.org
- This is a list for announcements of meetings and presentations
- of the WAIS Special Interest Group. These face-to-face conferences
- provide useful demonstrations and talks on WAIS and Z39.50.
- WAISCUST Contact: listserv@rice.edu
- This list is for discussion among customers of WAIS Inc. It is
- not sponsored by WAIS Inc. and opinions expressed here are those
- of the individual posters (as if anyone needed to say that).
- To subscribe, send mail to "listserv@rice.edu" with the following
- in the *body* of your message:
- subscribe waiscust Yourfirstname Yourlastname
- CNIDR is releasing information on freeWAIS status, plans, and operational
- hints via World Wide Web (WWW). This is perhaps the best way to get
- up-to-date information freeWAIS.
- <a HREF="http://kudzu.cnidr.org/cnidr_projects">CNIDR Projects</a>
- The United States Geological Survey has produced a number of training
- videotapes on the subject of Wide Area Information Servers (WAIS).
- Information on their contents and availability is available with WWW.
- <a HREF="http://billings.nlm.nih.gov/current_news.dir/wais_tapes.html">Tapes</a>
- ------------------------------
- Subject: -5- How can I get access to WAIS?
- Date: 4 Nov 93 00:00:01 EST
- Perhaps the easiest way to get started, if you do not want to get a copy of
- the full distribution and build your own clients is to try WAIS out using a
- simple client running at another site. To do this you must use TELNET to
- connect to sunsite.unc.edu or wais.wais.com and enter the username "wais"
- [lowercase-no quotes] at the "login:" prompt. This will permit you to use
- swais (Screen WAIS). swais is a curses based interface, so if you have
- problems, it may be due to your terminal setup. If you are unsure of the
- commands, try using a question mark [?] at the prompt.
- Even if you do not have full access to the Internet, you can still take
- advantage of WAIS via the WAIS mail server. While this is a primitive
- tool compared to interactive usage, it does work. To get information on
- using the WAIS mail server, send a message to waismail@quake.think.com
- with a body containing the single word "help" [do not include the quotation
- marks].
- ------------------------------
- Subject: -6- Where can I find WAIS software for the XYZ OS?
- Date: 6 May 94 00:00:01 EST
- There are a number of sources for WAIS software available via anonymous FTP.
- [please try nic.funet.fi:/pub/networking/services/wais first, if in Europe]
- ftp://ftp.cnidr.org/pub/NIDR.tools/freeWAIS-0.3.tar.Z
- This is the current distribution of WAIS, with many bug fixes
- and the addition of Boolean searches, stemming, etc. Please note
- freeWAIS 0.3 is a beta release. Bug fixes are actively sought
- and will be incorporated into new releases. This is an updated
- release of the UNIX server and clients only.
- <a HREF="http://cnidr.org/cnidr_projects/freewais0.2.html">RELEASE-NOTES</a>
- ftp://ls6-www.informatik.unni-dortmund.de/pub/wais/freeWAIS-0.2-sf08-alpha.tar.gz
- This is a modified version of freeWAIS-0.202.
- Current patchlevel is 08. Next release will be beta.
- A research version of freeWAIS featuring a redesign of the
- query processing. This permits configurable document formats, and
- fieldwise indexing and retrieval (with stemming and soundex searches)
- Requires imake and the Athena widgets.
- author - pfeifer@woodstock.informatik.uni-dortmund.de (Ulrich Pfeifer)
- ftp://ftp.cnidr.org/pub/NIDR.tools/freeWAIS-0.1.tar.Z
- This is the complete distribution of all tools available at the
- time. Please note that most are now out of date and you should
- probably just obtain them individually.
- For more information read the release notes, available via anonymous
- FTP from ftp.cnidr.org:/pub/NIDR.tools/freeWAIS-0.1/RELEASE-NOTES
- ftp://ftp.think.com/wais/wais-8-b5.1.tar.Z
- Included for historical purposes only. This used to be the main
- UNIX distribution. freeWAIS is the current distribution that
- includes many bugfixes and enhancements.
- author - morris@wais.com (Harry Morris)
- - brewster@wais.com (Brewster Kahle)
- - Jonathan@Think.COM (Jonathan Goldman)
- ftp://ftp.think.com/wais/motif-a1.tar.Z
- mxwais - an OSF-Motif client interface that requires the xwais source.
- ftp://ftp.eos.ncsu.edu/pub/mxqwais/mxqwais-src.tar.Z
- mxqwais - an OSF-Motif client interface.
- author - escott@eos.ncsu.edu (erik scott)
- ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/packages/infosystems/wais/clients/olwais-0.9.tar.Z
- olwais - an OpenWindows (NeWS) client interface
- SPARC binary only. Future releases will contain the C++ source.
- ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/wais/clients/unix/sunview/sunsearch.src.003.tar.Z
- sunsearch - a SunView (SunTools) client interface
- author - Jim_Fullton@unc.edu (Jim Fullton)
- current contact - Jim_Fullton@unc.edu (Jim Fullton)
- ftp://quake.think.com/wais/waismail.tar.Z
- waismail - a mail interface for searching WAIS databases.
- Requires perl which must be obtained separately.
- author - Jonathan@Think.COM (Jonathan Goldman)
- ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/packages/infosystems/wais/servers/vms/vms-client/*
- client - a VAX VMS based client interface (based on the code from 8-b2?)
- Requires TGV/Multinet (must be obtained separately).
- author - Jim_Fullton@unc.edu (Jim Fullton)
- current contact - Jim_Fullton@unc.edu (Jim Fullton)
- ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/packages/infosystems/wais/servers/vms/vms-server/*
- waisserver - a VAX VMS based server
- waisindex - a VAX VMS based indexer
- author - Jim_Fullton@unc.edu (Jim Fullton)
- current contact - Jim_Fullton@unc.edu (Jim Fullton)
- ftp://ftp.think.com/wais/WAIStation-NeXT-1.9.6.tar.Z
- WAIStation.app - a NeXTstep based client interface for NeXT
- workstations.
- author - burchard@math.utah.edu (Paul Burchard)
- ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/wais/clients/macintosh/WAIStation-0-63.sit.hqx
- WAIStation - a Macintosh interface client based on MacTCP.
- MacTCP must be obtained separately.
- Source to the client in THINK C is available from
- quake.think.com:/wais/WAIStation-0-62-Sources.sit.hqx
- ftp://ftp.wais.com/pub/freeware/mac/wais-for-mac-1.2-alpha.sea.hqx
- This is a free Macintosh WAIS client that supports both WAIS and
- the new Z39.50 commercial servers. Requires wais-for-mac-1.1.sea.hqx
- A product of WAIS Inc. Source is also available from
- ftp.wais.com:/pub/freeware/mac/src/wais-for-mac-1.1-src.sea.hqx
- ftp://ftp.wais.com/pub/freeware/mac/HyperWais.sea.hqx
- HyperWais - A Macintosh Hypercard client interface.
- currently at version 1.9.
- Requires System 7.0, MacTCP 1.1, and Hypercard 2.1 [all must
- be obtained separately]. Source is also available from:
- ftp.wais.com:/pub/freeware/mac/HyperWais.src.sea.hqx
- author - francois@wais.com (Francois Schiettecatte)
- ftp://ftp.einet.net/einet/mac/macwais1.28.sea.hqx
- MacWAIS is a shareware product of MCC.
- ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/packages/infosystems/wais/clients/ms-dos/pcdist.zip
- pcwais - An MS-DOS client interface
- Based on Borland TurboVision and the Crynwr Packet Drivers.
- ftp://oac.hsc.uth.tmc.edu/public/dos/misc/oacwais.exe
- oacwais - An MS-DOS client interface
- Based on FTP Software's PC/TCP.
- FTP Software's PC/TCP must be obtained separately.
- ftp://wuarchive.wustl.edu/systems/ibmpc/win3/util/wwais103.zip
- wwais - a Microsoft Windows 3.0 client interface
- Based on Visual Basic and Novell's LAN Workplace for DOS.
- LAN Workplace for DOS must be obtained separately.
- [Note: this client is no longer supported]
- ftp://ridgisd.er.usgs.gov/software/wais/wnwais22a.zip
- WinWAIS - The USGS version of WAIS for Windows.
- Includes support for SLIP, ODI and CRYNWR packet drivers.
- Source is also available from
- ridgisd.er.usgs.gov:/software/wais/wnwsrc22.zip
- ftp://ftp.cnidr.org/pub/NIDR.tools/wais/pc/windows/waisman3.zip
- WAIS Manager [version 3.0] is a Winsock compliant WAIS client
- that supports multi-format documents and relevance feedback.
- A WINSOCK TCP/IP package must be obtained separately.
- ftp://ftp.cnidr.org/pub/NIDR.tools/z39.50/pc/zman01.zip.
- zman - Z39.50 Manager [version 0.1] is a Windows 3.X client
- that supports multi-format documents and relevance feedback.
- It is written in Borland C/C++ and source is included.
- A WINSOCK TCP/IP package must be obtained separately.
- This code is currently in early alpha release.
- ftp://ftp.einet.net/einet/pc/EIWAIS155.EXE
- WinWAIS - Version 1.55 of a Windows 3.X client.
- A self-extracting archive file of EINet Shareware winWAIS.
- Requires Windows 3.1 and Windows Sockets 1.1 which must
- be obtained separately.
- ftp://ftp.wais.com/pub/freeware/os2/os2wa11.zip
- os2wais - the OS/2 WAIS Client developed at the Libary of Congress.
- Requires IBM's TCP/IP for OS/2 [which must be obtained separately].
- Source is also available from
- ftp.wais.com:/pub/freeware/os2/os2sr11.zip
- author - oliveau@wais.com (Kevin Oliveau)
- - juliem@msen.com (Julie Mills)
- ftp://ftp.wais.com/pub/freeware/ibm-mvs/dinowais.v0r4
- DinoWAIS - includes a WAIS client, indexer, and server for IBM's
- MVS operating environment. The software runs under TSO/E (Time Sharing
- Option), and relies on ISPF (Interactive Systems Productivity Facility)
- for screen management. DinoWAIS is based in WAIS b5.1 and includes
- full source.
- author - tgauslin@isdres.er.usgs.gov (Tim Gauslin)
- You can also use Gopher to access WAIS. For the availability of Gopher
- clients, please visit the comp.infosystems.gopher newsgroup.
- ------------------------------
- Subject: -7- Where can I pick up the list of sources (e.g. databases) for WAIS?
- Date: 6 May 94 00:00:01 EST
- The current listing of publicly advertised sources is always available
- via anonymous FTP from quake.think.com in the /wais directory in the file
- wais-sources.tar.Z (a compressed UNIX tar file).
- ftp://quake.think.com/wais/wais-sources.tar.Z
- ftp://ftp.wais.com/pub/directory-of-servers/wais-sources.tar.Z
- ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/packages/infosystems/wais/wais-sources.tar.Z
- Also available is a WAIS source description document. The document is
- in 2 parts, one a list of WAIS sources and their descriptions grouped
- into categories (the src-list) and the other the sources and descriptions
- listed in alphabetical order (the annex). These documents are maintained
- by Chris Christoff <chrisc@bu.oz.au> and are available via anonymous FTP
- from kirk.bu.oz.au:/pub/Bond_Uni/doc/wais in the files src-list.* and
- annex.*. The documents are mirrored on archive.orst.edu:/pub/doc/wais.
- [please try nic.funet.fi:/pub/networking/services/wais first, if in Europe]
- ------------------------------